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ROTTWEILER.APP handed over to Apple and Google for approval

www.rottweiler.app - im AppStore und PlayStore
App icon which opens your ROTTWEILER.APP on your smartphone.

Weyhe (D) / Cupertino (USA) / San Josè (USA), August 1st, 2023 – Today we handed over the ROTTWEILER.APP to Apple and Google for testing of the app and release in the Apple AppStore and the Google PlayStore. With the ROTTWEILER.APP you always have all the necessary data in the app for IGP sport with your Rottweiler. Equipped with numerous functions, you can stay informed as best as possible, independent of time and place, and have all the information conveniently and easily with you right in your pocket.

We expect the ROTTWEILER.APP to be available in the Apple AppStore and Google PlayStore from mid-August 2023. We will inform you immediately when the ROTTWEILER.APP is ready for download.


The first version of the ROTTWEILER.APP will be launched in German. However, we are currently working on version 2.0, which will then provide any language. The ROTTWEILER.APP website is already available in German, English, Dutch and Chinese. Other languages will also follow here.


Special information, always the current dates, training times and training places, successful breeders, Rottweiler mediation, information on successful Rottweilers, offers and specials, new products and much more. In the newsfeed you can explore 24/7 for the most important ROTTWEILER.APP information. With the push message function, you get all the important news in the quickest and easiest way directly to your smartphone.

www.rottweiler.app - Beta-Version


The app messenger is the easiest way to keep in touch with ROTTWEILER.APP. Do you have a general or specific question that is not answered in the FAQ area, do you need specific information and want to ask for it in an uncomplicated way? With Messenger, you can do this easily and at any time directly from your smartphone.


Digital business card, an overview of all ROTTWEILER.APP services and offers, videos, documents or websites – in your home view you can quickly and easily access the ROTTWEILER.APP information you want. You have everything you are interested in directly in the app on demand.

Language version

The first version of the ROTTWEILER.APP will be launched in German. However, we are currently working on version 2.0, which will then provide any language. The ROTTWEILER.APP website is already available in German, English, Dutch and Chinese. Other languages will also follow here.


Send inquiries to your ROTTWEILER.APP team smartly and easily via the app. With the request function, you can do this anytime, anywhere.

ROTTWEILER.APP on social media






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