Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which functions are offered in the ROTTWEILER.APP?

In version 1.x, the ROTTWEILER.APP offers the following functions:

  • Appointments from district groups, state groups and the ADRK that are reported to us
  • The ADRK and its regional groups
  • The regional groups of the ADRK and their associated district groups
  • ADRK training places and training times
  • ADRK breeders
  • Mediation of puppies
  • Mediation of adult Rottweilers
  • ADRK stud dogs

We can add more functions at any time. Write us an e-mail in German or English to with your ideas and functional expansions or new functions.

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Can the website and/or the ROTTWEILER.APP be expanded to include additional functions?


If you’re missing a feature, let’s talk about it. Please send me an email with your idea to and let’s discuss your idea.

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Is the ROTTWEILER.APP also available in languages other than German?

The website is already available in several languages. In the menu bar you will find all the languages we maintain. We can add more languages at any time.

Multilingual ads feature is being added to the app. Unfortunately, I can’t say when we’ll be done with it. We are currently working on being able to offer the ROTTWEILER.APP in any other language as quickly as possible.

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Can data from associations other than ADRK be displayed in the ROTTWEILER.APP?


The ROTTWEILER.APP is a private initiative by Claus Michael Sattler and the ROTTWEILER.APP is open and usable for all Rottweiler associations and their subdivisions. The data model has been set up accordingly. We know:

  • National associations, e.g. the ADRK
  • Regional associations, e.g. the regional groups of the ADRK
  • Local groups, e.g. the district groups of the ADRK

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For which smartphones is the ROTTWEILER.APP available?

We developed the ROTTWEILER.APP for the current operating systems from Apple, i.e. iOS, and for the current operating systems from Google (i.e. Android).

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