Multilingual ROTTWEILER.APP is coming! - Mehrsprachige ROTTWEILER.APP Versionen

Weyhe (D), August 17th, 2023, the development plans for the coming months for the ROTTWEILER.APP are now available for the period up to the end of 2023. The focus is on three main tasks:

  1. Integration of Google Maps
  2. Multilingualism
  3. Significant improvement in data quality

In the last point we are dependent on the support of the associations. We need your help!

Integration with Google Maps

By September 1st, 2023 we will have fully integrated Google Maps into the ROTTWEILER.APP. The district groups (BG) that have reported their training facilities to us will be displayed on the respective map.

Furthermore, all local groups (BG) of a respective state group and the training grounds of the local groups will be visible on the page of the respective state group in Google Maps.

This applies to the iOS app and the Android app as well as to the modules for integration into your website. So you no longer have to maintain dates, training places, shows and stud dogs on your website yourself. The ROTTWEILER.APP team does this work for you and expired appointments automatically disappear from your website.


The current version of the ROTTWEILER.APP is only available in German in the Apple AppStore and Google PlayStore. We never expected to receive inquiries from the USA, China and Saudi Arabia. There were even several requests from Russia and the Balkans.

Our ambitious goal is for the ROTTWEILER.APP to appear in a multilingual version by the end of 2023. It will be possible for you to switch from one language to another while using the ROTTWEILER.APP.

“The first languages we will integrate will be English, Dutch, Arabic, Russian and Chinese.” says Claus Michael Sattler, who is responsible for the development of the ROTTWEILER.APP on a voluntary basis.

The aim is for all Rottweiler friends worldwide to see all the latest information about events, breeders, stud dogs and the placement of Rottweilers on their mobile phones in a language that Rottweiler friends can read and understand.

Other associations

We are of course looking forward to the fact that other Rottweiler associations, both national and international, dog sports associations and other pedigree dog associations would like to use the functions of the ROTTWEILER.APP.

You can contact us at any time by calling mobile: 0049 (157) 54264758 or by email at

We are happy to provide the functions of the ROTTWEILER.APP for iPhones and iPads as well as Android smartphones and Android tablet PCs and also for websites free of charge.

ROTTWEILER.APP on social media






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