ROTTWEILER.APP is now available in the Google PlayStore Weyhe (D) / San José (USA), 6. August 2023 – Heute wurde die ROTTWEILER.APP von Google offiziell in den App-Katalog der Apps aufgenommen, die unter dem Betriebssystem Android lauffähig sind. The ROTTWEILER.APP is now executable on all Android devices with a current...
ROTTWEILER.APP is now available in the Apple AppStore
ROTTWEILER.APP is now available in the Apple AppStore Weyhe (D) / Cupertino (USA), August 5, 2023 – Today, Apple officially included the ROTTWEILER.APP in the app catalog of apps that run on the iOS operating system. The ROTTWEILER.APP is now executable on all iOS devices with a current iOS operating...
ROTTWEILER.APP handed over to Apple and Google for approval
ROTTWEILER.APP handed over to Apple and Google for approval App icon which opens your ROTTWEILER.APP on your smartphone. Weyhe (D) / Cupertino (USA) / San Josè (USA), August 1st, 2023 - Today we handed over the ROTTWEILER.APP to Apple and Google for testing of the app and release in the...
New release 1.3.1 of the ROTTWEILER.APP basic technology available
New Release 1.3.1 of the ROTTWEILER.APP basic technology "Einfach-App" available Hello, the new version of the ROTTWEILER.APP basic technology "Einfach-App" is now available in Release 1.3.1. Please download the update from the Apple AppStore or the Google PlayStore to your smartphone or tablet PC. Then please go to the ROTTWEILER.APP...
Beta version of ROTTWEILER.APP now available
Beta version of ROTTWEILER.APP available The beta version of the ROTTWEILER.APP is now available in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. The two installation instructions below this article explain exactly how to install the beta version. Installation instructions (short form) Installation instructions (long form)
This is how our ROTTWEILER.APP logo came about
This is how our logo for ROTTWEILER.APP came about Unfortunately, we were not able to integrate the YouTube shorty with our technology, so please click on the image and the YouTube shorty will start.