Weyhe (D) / Cupertino (USA), August 5, 2023 – Today, Apple officially included the ROTTWEILER.APP in the app catalog of apps that run on the iOS operating system. The ROTTWEILER.APP is now executable on all iOS devices with a current iOS operating system. As far as we know, these are the Apple iPhone, the Apple iPad, the Apple iPad Pro, the Apple iPad Air and the Apple iPad mini.
The ROTTWEILER.APP can be downloaded and installed on one of the Apple devices mentioned above in two ways.
The picture does not reflect an original installation but is merely an example of what an installation might look like.
We cannot guarantee that the ROTTWEILER.APP will run on older operating systems. That’s guaranteed and neither is Apple. Apple guarantees us that the ROTTWEILER.APP will run on the current operating system at the moment of release from Apple. Of course, we make sure that the ROTTWEILER.APP will also run on future iOS operating systems.
The ROTTWEILER.APP is a so-called online app. This means that all data is always retrieved from the ROTTWEILER.APP server database and displayed on your Apple iOS device. If you use the ROTTWEILER.APP, you either need an Internet connection via WLAN or via the mobile data connection of your Apple iOS device.
The ROTTWEILER.APP does not keep the data locally on your Apple iOS device. This has the advantage for you that the ROTTWEILER.APP does not require any storage space on your Apple iOS device for the data and you can therefore use the entire storage space on your Apple iOS device for pictures, music, documents and other media.
We are constantly developing the ROTTWEILER.APP for Apple iOS devices and, in addition to the multilingualism in the coming versions, we will also implement further functions and functional extensions in the ROTTWEILER.APP for Apple iOS devices.
Here we need your knowledge and are extremely curious about your wishes and your ideas about which functions you want in the ROTTWEILER.APP. Feel free to send us your ideas from the ROTTWEILER.APP using the message function or send us an email to rottweiler.app@gmx.de.
For now we wish you a lot of fun with the ROTTWEILER.APP.
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Claus Michael Sattler
Postfach 1142
28833 Weyhe
Mobile:0049 (157) 54264758
Email rottweiler.app@gmx.de